Don't let money be the driver of your happiness or the limit in how much you enjoy your daily life
Sometimes we stop ourselves from being happy because we falsely believe that money will do the work or that without it we cannot have any fun or enjoyment at all.

One day I was finally free from the chains of this new capitalist disease.
One day I got out of bed and the feeling of emptiness and the lack of meaning in my life thowed me in a meditation state.
After a few minuts of deep breathing and clearing my mind I found out what the problem was...
There was a lack of enjoyment and sense of purpose in my daily habits.
What was the purpose of waking up at 5:30 in the morning 6 days a week to work my ass off for 15 hours a day?
You can't buy a second of life with all the money in the whole world I thought in that eureka moment.
I was all in on the markets exchanging my soul for dollars, they had absorbed my life even though I really love what I do.
Any job you have no matter what it is, can be a bless or a curse is up to you and how you decide to live your life.
But one thing is certain, if you let the money be the main driver of your happiness and the way you can enjoy life in a day by day basis, you are certainly doomed.
Why?, because if you start limiting the things you do and enjoy even if its just sitting under a tree and read a book.