How much are your freedom and plenitude worth? How can we live a meaningful and happy life

When was the last time you felt free and connected to life?
Something as simple as not having schedules, being able to sleep late, get up at the time you like, knowing that you will dedicate the day to finishing that work of art that you left pending, that book that is waiting for you, that trip that you have postponed for so many years or that exit that you have had to postpone over and over again.
When was the last time you conceived life without schedules, work responsibilities, without the stress of your business, without doing all that you do even if you don't want to?
It is a fortune to be able to enjoy life doing what we love, in the end we will not leave this life with suitcases or luggage and it is useless to be the richest in the pantheon if we could never enjoy and create memories with our loved ones during our stay here.
We can spend 5, 10 or 30 years working like machines for the great economic dream and we are bombarded with so much consumerism every day that we set ourselves the goal further every day.
No one is assured of tomorrow, take advantage of today, leave something safe and profitable for those who follow after you in your lineage.
How much is your freedom worth?
I understand, in addition to our family, work and professional responsibilities, even sometimes we demand so much of ourselves that we forget to rest and enjoy the little things that life has to offer us.
I also started as a self-employed person, then as the owner of a company and now I have the fortune to be an investor and live from my investments.
I also struggled a lot to find good investments, not to fall for fraud, not to buy the wrong assets, not to try to guess the direction of the financial markets and above all, I struggled a lot to learn the differences between investments and senseless speculation.
Inflation is now so high, and market yields so low, that the picture is even more difficult.
What if the answer to all our financial questions was living below our means?
When was the last time you said to yourself "My investments generate me so much, that although I could not live like Carlos Slim, it could give me a life without worries, without schedules, without ties, without bosses and people that I do not enjoy? share my time in an office?
Is it possible to live a fuller, calmer and more enjoyable life through this philosophy of living off the returns on our investments, even if it means not brand new Mercedes Benz every year, not spending 10 thousand dollars on a week long vacation? Or even something as simple as taking care of our ant expenses and taking advantage of everything we can to invest?
Right now, after having fought so hard for my finances and having saved so much money and invested, I can afford to sit down and write books, run the Prana Mexico investment fund, sit down with my daughter to discuss the immortality of the crab. .
None of this would have been possible if I hadn't had the goal of being financially free, maybe I don't buy a mercedes benz every year, and maybe I won't be the richest in the pantheon, but I enjoy unparalleled freedom and peace that my friends and acquaintances who have 500 times more capital than I do not enjoy or only enjoy in their old age.
What is the point of reaching the age of 70 to "retire" when the only thing we are going to be able to do is spend the money on medicines, doctors and special care?
When I thought about it, I decided that I was not going to live my life tormenting myself for two things: Neither for being the richest in the pantheon, nor for killing myself by working tirelessly, leaving aside everything important and beautiful in life just to make a few pesos that, in the end, inflation and the devaluation of the currency were going to reduce
That is why I am so grateful for having found the subject of investments at a young age and for having found the good path of good living.
The dividends and capital gains that my investments give me allow me to live calmly, without bosses, without schedules, without worries and without debt.
I have never had credit, I don't have cards, I don't buy houses, cars or clothes on credit.
A few years ago when I was much younger in a crisis that I had when I went bankrupt due to mismanagement of my personal finances, I lived through one of the most enriching and interesting periods of my life.
Even though I literally sometimes didn't have 5 pesos to buy tortillas and sometimes survived on meals that my friends treated me to, I felt an incredible connection with life, nature and myself.
There were born all these thoughts that would form me later. Although I am a lover of capitalism, business and money itself, I do not fail to take into account that what is important is freedom and the enjoyment of life in all its splendor and not money itself.